After we exercise we....
Take a shower.
Well duh.. doesn't everyone. Sure we have learned since we were infants that it is important to bathe ourselves.... but what are you cleaning yourself with? Store bought products with chemicals, alcohol, parabans, artificial dyes and animal cruelty??? Why would we health nuts do such a thing?! We take sure pride in our bodies and work so hard to keep the bad stuff out... well its a shame to be putting those gross nasty things on your skin, hair and teeth.
Through out the past few months I have been trying to purge my stock of chemical rich products (shampoo, body wash, moisturizer, deodorant, tooth paste etc.) and replace it with organic, nutrient rich, cruelty free products.
I admit it is really difficult when money is tight and you have a full bottle of shampoo to use, but perhaps consider, once that bottle has run out, to go out to a store and purchase an organic product.
Today I purchased a new shampoo and conditioner from Pure Life Soap Co... They have tons of different fragrances.. I especially loved the Wild Indigo..smells beautiful!!! (price range around 10.00)

I have the coconut body lotion. Love it because it reminds me of summer :) (Price range about 8.99)

I think my favorite product is my facial cleanser from Eminence Organic Skin Care.
These products have seriously changed my skin. I never had bad bad break outs, but once in a while, after dancing or working out, and especially sweating in my show make up, I would get a terrible painful break out. These products are amazinggg.
In the mornings I use the Citrus Exfoliate, and at night I use the Stone Crop Gel Wash.
(Price range about 11.00)
These are just some of the products that are out there. There are truly a number of amazing options. I am still in the process of completely switching over. Next move is my deodorant and tooth paste!
Now, once you have changed over to an organic life, why not treat yourself to an organic facial or body scrub. I know i know This is PRICEY. But your worth it. I do it twice a year (mom gets me one for Christmas, and I treat myself to one after the summer. It is amazing to get all of those dirty dead skin cells off your skin. It detoxifies you, and leaves your skin glowing and revitalized. Not to mention you feel completely energized (and your boyfriend will notice that you are glowing too he he)