Well Anthony came to visit me this weekend.. and with him he brought two bags of Whole Foods Goodies that my mommy sent with him. Some of my favorites included Hemp Milk, Hemp Protein Powder, Chia Seeds, Veggie Crisps, and lots and lots of dried fruit!!! Thanks to Veggie Girl... and lots of other knowledgable bloggers, I have learned that Hemp not only has lots of protein, but has lots of calcium, fiber, minerals, and is gluten and lactose free!!
My mom also presented her trainer with my food dilemma and she suggested Chia Seeds. Yes Chia seeds are used for those stupid little plant pets that sprout hair like grass all over the place... but little do many people know about their nutritional and medecinal value. Apparenly Chia seeds were used by Indian Warriors before they went to battle. They would eat as little as a teaspoon to give them the energy they needed in order to function and perform their best. Although I am no warrior, I am a professional dancer who needs as much energy and strength that I can get.. so i decided to try myself some warrior worthy Chia seeds!!
These seeds are awesome because when they are mixed with a liquid (rice, soy or hemp milk especially) they soak up the liquid forming a pudding like substance. Add some agave, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla, and some hemp protein and you have yourself an energy boosting, protein enhancing puddingy bowl of deliciousness! hahah... it kinda looks gross but tastes pretty good and has so much goodness in it its impossible to pass up!
heres a pretty great article on these seeds... check it out!
Well other than that nothing super exciting or new is going on with me... ive been dancing non stop... my brain hurts from learning all of this new choreography.. and I am having a great time meeting all of these new people and doing what I love.
Im sorry I havent commented on anyones blogs in a while.. Ive been so busy its hard for me to even post on mine.. but i promise I will get around to it!!!!